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Showing posts with label Others healthy. Show all posts

Saturday, March 16, 2019

5 Food Swaps that can Help you Lose Weight Quickly

Try Oats

Muffin can fill and kill a lot of hunger, but it is also full of calories. Try Oats instead of Muffins. Oats are very healthy and are full of fiber. Fiber will improve your digestion and keep you covered for a long time.

Choose popcorn

Frequent snacking makes it difficult to lose weight. Snacking lets you consume extra calories. Potato chips are another quick snack that you eat often. You can replace your potato chips with popcorn. To avoid extra calories, choose popcorn without butter.

Leave soda

Carbonated drinks are filled with sugar and unwanted calories. They are also not good for anyone's overall health. If you are trying to lose weight then you should stop consuming soda. Instead of soda, you can choose fresh lime water, fresh juice of sugar or just water.


When you are on a diet you get sugar very easily. At that time ice cream seems to be the best option. But this may be a wrong move towards your weight loss plan. Swap your ice cream with plain ice cream. You can add some fresh fruit of your choice to it.

bake it!

Skip the frying and choose baking. Instead of frying in the maximum possible recipes, try to bake foods. You can just bake some potatoes instead of fried potatoes. You can also include baking in other recipes.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

6 tips to maintain healthy eating habits during menopause

Hot flashes, sleep disturbances and mood swings, all a part of 'the change,' can have women reaching for something sweet or salty to curb their discomfort.
The double whammy is that menopause occurs in a woman's life at a time when her metabolism becomes very slow as part of the normal aging process. The use of high-calorie foods can make a woman feel better in the short term, but these foods can also cause weight gain that is harder to burn.
Still, there are ways to fight back and offset the tendency toward weight gain. Here dietitian Andrea Dunn, RD, LD, CDE, offers 6 tips:
Think heart-healthy
Focus your diet on the less-processed foods like veggies, fruits, whole grains and lean meats.

Also include some nuts, seeds and plant-based oils, like olive oil.
Mind your minerals: Calcium and magnesium
Calcium and magnesium are especially important for healthy bones in mid-life. Eat two to three servings of dairy each day for calcium. Eat nuts, beans, broccoli, spinach and whole grains for magnesium.
Avoid grab-and-go choices
Fast and pre-packaged foods often contain many calories that can accumulate quickly. When it comes to nuts and trail mix, the calories easily add up — think of one-quarter cup as a serving size or choose items that are 150 calories or less for a snack.
Combine food groups
Examples of tasty and healthy food combos include an apple with one to two tablespoons of peanut butter, whole-grain crackers and cheese (1 ounce), or a quarter cup of hummus (or cottage cheese) on whole-grain toast.
Veg out!
Include vegetables at two or more of your meals (or snacks) each day. Try adding tomatoes or avocado to your breakfast plate. At lunch have raw vegetables with salsa as a dip. With your dinner meal have a half plate of cooked vegetables or salad.
Remember that small diet choices can turn into permanent changes.

If you haven't already been eating a variety of foods, it can be frustrating to think about making all of these changes at once. I tell my patients to make one change at a time, for example, pack a vegetable with your lunch. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Do this work before sleeping, get rid of pimples

Every girl wants to look beautiful and want to stay away from the pimples. Pimples create them a huge tension on their face and every girl want to come out from this tension. Most of the girls save big on accentuating the face, but after many attempts many times stubborn pimples do not go and if they leave after some time they leave the mark on the face. They look very bad to see. However this does not harm our health, but on the face, these pimples do not look good at all. If you too want to end this problem quickly, let us tell you about such a solution that you can get rid of pimple overnight.

Turmeric and yogurt of yogurt

Using turmeric, curd and honey, you can get rid of this problem. Where turmeric powder works to remove anti-inflammatory pillow. In the honey there are natural antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. It stays with pigmentation.

Such use

For this facemask, mix 2 teaspoons of curd, 1 spoon turmeric in a bowl and mix well. After this, add one teaspoon of organic honey and make a smooth paste. Now, put the paste in the form of a thin layer on the face. Keep at least 15-20 minutes i.e. until dry. After that wash it with clean water.

Use this remedy before going to bed. You will definitely get rid of pimples.

3 Amazing health benefits of white tea

You must have heard about Black Tea and Green Tea, but White Tea is not. White T is often ignored because it is not popular as a green tea or black tea. Anyway, White T is known for its health benefits and its unique sweet taste. And the light taste is the reason you should drink it.

Health benefits of white tea

1. Prevents cancer

 the presence of polyphenols in white tea has the potential to stop the formation of cancer cells. These polyphenols increase the cell death of two different types of non-small-cell lung cancer cells. This prevents cell mutation more efficiently than green tea, because it does not require much processing like green tea. Another study conducted by Malayan University in Malaysia has shown that white tea has the ability to stop cancer cells from spreading.

 2. Helps in reducing weight

is as powerful as White Tea Green Tea when it comes to burning fat and reducing weight. White tea is helpful in triggering fat cells, and due to the presence of epiglocatechin gallate (EGCG), new fat cells stop forming, a compound that is connected to burning fat. By drinking white tea daily, your metabolism will increase by 4 to 5 percent.

3. Protects the body from harmful diseases.

Since white tea is high in polyphenol antioxidant, it protects healthy cells from free radical damage. Polyphenols act as a shield for cells and protect them from free radicals which cause chronic inflammation, harmful diseases, and weakened immune systems.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Swine Flu (H1N1) Prevention Essentials

The H1N1 virus is commonly known as swine flu, which is originally produced from pigs but spreads from one person to another. Virus outbreak in 2009 has been a major headlines. Virus spreads from person to person very quickly and was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. Swine flu has affected a large population in India this year. A lack of awareness about different prevention methods leads to an increased death in India this year. Here you need to know about swine flu which can help you deal with the virus.


The H1N1 virus is commonly known as swine flu, which is originally produced from pigs but spreads from one person to another. Virus outbreak in 2009 has been a major headlines. Virus spreads from person to person very quickly and was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. Swine flu has affected a large population in India this year. A lack of awareness about different prevention methods leads to an increased death in India this year. Here you need to know about swine flu which can help you deal with the virus.

Immunization is the best way to rescue swine flu. Other methods can also be adapted to control the spread of flu. Some common preventive measures may include:

Do not ignore symptoms

Note the symptoms of flu and do not ignore them. Early identification of the flu can help you deal effectively with symptoms and help you prevent yourself from further disease.

Do not travel to flu pandemic areas

If you have planned to go to any of the swine flu epidemic areas, then you should immediately cancel your plans. Flu can spread quickly after contact with any infected person. Through news updates, you can easily find out about areas affected by swine flu. Try to stay at home and avoid traveling.

Maintain a healthy diet

Your immunity plays an important role in fighting the virus. You should eat more foods that can improve your immunity. Eat more green vegetables, citrus fruits, dairy products and other fresh vegetables.

Wash your hands again and again

Your hands touch many surfaces that can be contaminated. So make sure you wash your hands properly and more before and after eating. You should also keep a sanitizer with you every time.
 Other methods can also be adapted to control the spread of flu. Some common preventive measures may include:

Do not ignore symptoms

Note the symptoms of flu and do not ignore them. Early identification of the flu can help you deal effectively with symptoms and help you prevent yourself from further disease.

Do not travel to flu pandemic areas

If you have planned to go to any of the swine flu epidemic areas, then you should immediately cancel your plans. Flu can spread quickly after contact with any infected person. Through news updates, you can easily find out about areas affected by swine flu. Try to stay at home and avoid traveling.

Maintain a healthy diet

Your immunity plays an important role in fighting the virus. You should eat more foods that can improve your immunity. Eat more green vegetables, citrus fruits, dairy products and other fresh vegetables.

Wash your hands again and again

Your hands touch many surfaces that can be contaminated. So make sure you wash your hands properly and more before and after eating. You should also keep a sanitizer with you every time.